• Image of lone working forester inspecting tree.


    Lone working examples

    This article gives examples of the types of lone workers to be found in industry to help you identify lone workers in your organisation.

  • Icon depicting a Trackplot website User Guide in the Resources section.


    Lone Worker Checklist

    As a lone worker you have a duty of care to yourself and to others who may be affected by the work you do. Here’s a handy Lone Worker Checklist…

  • Image of HSE report Workplace fatal injuries in Great Britain on tablet computer


    HSE annual workplace fatalities report released

    Health & Safety Executive (HSE) have released their annual fatalities report showing that there were 123 workplace fatalities in 2021-22. 73% of fatal injuries occurred across four industry groups: Construction;…

  • Image of lone working site inspector.


    Our top 3 precautionary measures to mitigate risks for your lone workers

    Here are our top 3 precautionary measures you can take within your organisation to ensure that your lone workers return home safe and well each day.

  • Photograph of rope access technician suspended at height working fixing the tip of a wind turbine blade.


    The top 4 risks of lone working

    As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic you are probably faced with managing more lone workers than ever before and more than likely this is a permanent change in your…

  • Suzi Lamplugh Trust website being viewed on a laptop


    The Suzy Lamplugh Trust – Partnership

    The Suzy Lamplugh Trust is the UK’s pioneering personal safety charity and leading stalking authority, established in 1986, following the disappearance of 25-year-old Suzy Lamplugh, an estate agent and lone…

  • Image of the word "legistlation" on a page in a dictionary


    Lone Worker Legislation

    As an employer, you have responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of all your workers. You must do everything reasonably practicable to protect them from harm.

  • First page of Trackplot article published in FCA News in February 2022


    Forestry Contracting Association Magazine – Trackplot Feature

    The Forestry Contracting Association (FCA Membership Ltd) is the leading trade association within UK forestry and wood related industries. The Association focuses on those businesses and individuals who are involved…

  • Photograph of close up of caribiner and rope securing a lone working engineer whilst working on a roof.


    Health & Safety: What’s in it for me?

    It’s proven that better health & safety brings better employee engagement which in turn increases productivity, reduces costs and boosts employee retention.

  • Photograph of Trackplot Mobile App being used on a smartphone by a lone worker.


    HSE People – Health & Safety apps

    HSE People is an online community of Health, Safety and Environmental professionals who recently produced a feature on Health & Safety apps.

  • Photograph of very cold man with layers of clothing and blowing hands to indicate onset of frostbite or hypothermia


    Highlighting cold weather risks: Frostbite and hypothermia

    Lone working in rural locations during the winter months, dealing with harsher weather conditions only exacerbates risks.

  • Lone working Utilities worker checking location site near to High voltage tower.


    What is the definition of a lone worker and how to identify them

    What is a lone worker? Businesses are often confused as to whether they employ or engage lone workers or not.

You'd like to speak with us?

Trackplot's team are here to help – to discuss your lone working requirements or to give advice and customer support.

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