Trackplot solutions
Trackplot's complete lone worker monitoring service offers satellite and mobile network based options depending on your locations. We help you develop your Lone Working Policy and Procedures, provide comprehensive training and support to reinforce your safety culture. The Trackplot Portal, our interactive online platform, uses Ordnance Survey mapping, Weather Warnings and Environmental data. A flexible notification system provides managers with automatic alerts.

Mobile or satellite based system?
The strength of your mobile communications determines the best system for you.
Do your lone workers have reliable mobile phone coverage?
YES: Trackplot Mobile is the ideal solution for you.
NO: satellite based Trackplot World is the best choice.
If you have people operating in different locations we can deliver a combination of both Trackplot World and Trackplot Mobile to suit each lone worker’s needs.
Watch this video to understand the difference between Trackplot World and Trackplot Mobile:
Trackplot lone worker monitoring system
Both Trackplot World and Trackplot Mobile have the same lone worker monitoring system at their core. There are 4 component parts and we work with you to choose the best technology, develop your Policy and Procedures, create and deliver training and nurture a safety culture across your organisation.

Preferred lone worker safety system for outdoor lone workers
How Trackplot works
Trackplot’s complete lone worker monitoring service is centred around the Trackplot Portal, our interactive online platform, where you monitor your lone workers in real-time.
The Portal is integrated with satellite communication technology, the latest lone worker GPS devices, the mobile phone network and the Trackplot Mobile App.
Trackplot is self-managed and incorporates an SOS Alarm Receiving Centre to handle emergency SOS alerts.

Trackplot Portal
The Trackplot Portal is the control and command centre at the heart of the Trackplot lone worker monitoring solution.
In the Portal you can:
Confirm Proof of Life
Your lone workers have pre-agreed ‘Check- in’ times to proactively confirm they are safe and you can see these Notifications in the Portal.
Monitor safety
Using real-time environmental maps to assess the risks of weather conditions and environmental hazards. Personal Severe Weather Notifications are sent to a lone worker and their managers if they are working in a higher risk weather location.
Monitor location
Accurate Ordnance Survey mapping displays each lone worker’s location in real time throughout the day.
Monitor activity
Using Trackplot functionality to be aware of lone workers undertaking higher risk tasks.
Manage User Profiles, Notifications and Groups
Access reporting
Flexible monitoring and notification periods to suit your company’s working patterns. Trackplot uses automatic Notifications to alert managers and contacts of a problem. These are issued on an exception basis: if a lone worker misses a Check-in time and becomes Overdue, requests Assistance or sends an SOS you will be notified so you know you need to act.
Personal Severe Weather Notifications are sent to a lone worker and their contacts if they are working in a higher risk weather location such as a flooded area.
Key benefits
Fit for purpose system
Designed specifically for commercial use to protect lone workers.
Complete system
The technology, Lone Working Policy and Procedures development, bespoke training and customer support to enable your safety culture.
Real-time lone worker monitoring
Log into the Portal any time to view the status of your lone workers.
Automatic Notifications
Embedded into the Trackplot system to advise of a problem which needs to be escalated.
Ordnance Survey mapping
To accurately capture the location of each lone worker, which is especially important if help is needed quickly.
Weather Warnings and Environmental Mapping
To review the risks to lone workers of current and forthcoming weather; to evaluate vulnerability in Overdue, Assistance Required or SOS situations, and to plan and schedule work.
Personal Severe Weather Notifications
Alert the lone worker and their contacts if they are located in an area currently experiencing severe weather.
Multiple ways to keep in touch
Including GPS lone worker device, landline, text message using a mobile phone; computer, laptop or tablet using the Trackplot Portal; or Mobile App using a smartphone (Android or iPhone).
Policy and Procedure development
During onboarding Trackplot provide guidance on your Lone Working Policy, Procedures and your Escalation Procedures to help you create a safe working environment.