5 steps to managing risk

The steps to follow are:
Step 1: Identify hazards and risks
Step 2: Assess the level of each risk and identify the control measures needed
Step 3: Implement the control measures
Step 4: Record your significant findings by developing a risk assessment (see below)
Step 5: Review your controls regularly to ensure they are working
Read HSE’s guide to “Managing risks and risk assessment at work”.
What is a risk assessment
The aim of a risk assessment is to record your significant findings, this includes identified risks, the severity and likelihood of each risk happening and that adequate controls are in place. It should highlight issues, the controls recommended and what needs to be or has been implemented to mitigate these issues. It is recommended that you undertake an individual risk assessment for each lone worker or types of worker. Risk assessments must be conducted before any duties can be carried out.
Lone worker involvement
Involve your workers in the development of your risk assessments and your lone worker policy. They will be aware of information and hazards that you as a manager may not know. Their knowledge and experience will help shape the control measures you decide to put in place. Creating an open environment so that workers are able to discuss any underlying concerns will help. Take your workers on a ‘walk through’ of your outline risk assessment, discuss how the planned controls will actually work and gather feedback. This will ensure the controls are effective. Consultation also increases employee commitment to implementing decisions or actions.
Relevant training is critical and you should be able to demonstrate they have completed it successfully (e.g. provide a log book).
Encourage your workers to give you regular constructive feedback, report and log any incidents or near misses on site to inform future updates to your risk assessments and practices.
Implementing lone worker monitoring
You may decide that a control measure you need to put in place is lone worker tracking. HSE advise that any monitoring system needs to be embedded into your organisation so it is well understood by workers. You must put a clear Lone Working Policy and Procedures in place because effective communication is essential. At Trackplot we are here to help you provide a safe working environment. We can use your risk assessments to scope a lone worker monitoring solution fit for your operations. We provide comprehensive training and responsive customer support to encourage early user engagement and adoption.
“I’ve found Trackplot to give me, my wife and my daughter peace of mind. As my clients have become more aware of lone worker technology and the benefits it can bring to health and safety, the knock on effect has been that it is now much easier to create robust Lone Working Risk Assessments for specific projects. Some of my clients have direct experience of using the Trackplot system for their own employees and this knowledge adds credibility and strengthens the confidence they have in my professionalism.”