• Icon depicting a Trackplot website article in the Resources section.


    Top 5 reasons to choose Trackplot

    We know it can be difficult to understand the differences between the various lone worker solutions on the market and what they offer. To help your decision making here are…

  • Icon depicting Trackplot's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in Resources section.



    Our Frequently Asked Questions address questions regularly asked to give you more in-depth information about our system and how it works. If you have a question we’ve not covered please…

  • Icon depicting a Trackplot website User Guide in the Resources section.


    Choosing the right solution

    Step by step guide to choosing the best lone worker monitoring system for your needs.

  • Photograph of a wildfire producing lots of smoke on Y Fron in Wales with a firefighter working to control the fire.


    The impact and danger of wildfires

    This article explains what a wildfire is, the status of wildfires globally and in the UK, the impact of wildfires and how Trackplot’s Fire Weather Index and Active Fires data…

  • Photograph of First Aid bag. Image courtesy of Milan Degraeve on unsplash.


    Lone worker emergency 999 procedures

    This Trackplot Guide outlines what to do if you are a lone worker in an emergency 999 situation.

  • Icon depicting a Trackplot website article in the Resources section.


    How to successfully implement Trackplot

    5 recommendations from Trackplot to successfully implement your lone worker solution across your organisation – to ensure you protect both your lone workers and senior management.

  • Screenshot of Rapidly Developing Thunder Storm developing over East Scotland and North East England.


    Rapidly Developing Thunder Storms – new Trackplot service

    Trackplot is excited to launch new “Nowcasting” functionality to advise where thunder storms may quickly develop. Trackplot customers can use this information to alert their outdoor workers or those travelling…

  • Screenshot of Trackplot Portal displaying Amber Severe Weather Warning for Snow


    Severe Weather Warnings – new Trackplot service

    Launch of new Severe Weather Warnings service to complement the existing real-time Environmental maps on the Trackplot Portal. Provides advance notice of forthcoming severe weather allowing lone workers and managers…

  • Illustration of a mobile phone mast and a communication satellite. Both satellite communications and the mobile phone network are integrated with the Trackplot lone worker monitoring system.


    Why satellite communications still have a role to play in the UK

    There have been limited improvements in geographic mobile coverage over the past few years. We’ve all experienced varying strengths of mobile phone signal… poor reception can be annoying when making…

  • Image of a female lone worker undertaking a water inspection at a riverside.


    Taking care of vulnerable workers

    This guide outlines how to manage the health and safety of vulnerable workers in the workplace. It explains the type of workers who are considered vulnerable and what you will…

  • Image displaying title of article "Health and Safety Leadership"


    Why you need to drive health and safety from the top

    As with any business priority health and safety needs to be driven from the top. Senior management led safety cultures have more impact across the organisation as a whole and…

  • Photo of a lone working female veterinary surgeon inspecting a cow in a field.


    Overcoming objections to a lone worker monitoring system

    Trackplot has been working with organisations large and small since 2009 to keep their lone workers safe. We have collaborated with many customers to overcome objections and fears to help…

You'd like to speak with us?

Trackplot's team are here to help – to discuss your lone working requirements or to give advice and customer support.

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