Overcoming objections to a lone worker monitoring system
Trackplot has been working with organisations large and small since 2009 to keep their lone workers safe. We have collaborated with many customers to overcome objections and fears to help them embed not just the Trackplot system but a robust health and safety culture.

The main concerns we have heard over the years centre around 4 key themes:
1. Technology
The primary question being “Will the technology work in my remote area?”
This will depend on the lone worker monitoring system you are considering and if it works using the mobile phone network or using the satellite network.
If you are in a rural or isolated location with poor or no mobile phone reception then you will need to choose a satellite-based system.
We specialise in outdoor lone worker monitoring and offer both a satellite-based system (Trackplot World) and a mobile phone network based system (Trackplot Mobile).
Satellite-based option
Works in all remote regions across the UK and Ireland.
Mobile phone network option
Convenient, easy to use App for Android and iPhones.
2. Resistance to being monitored
Many lone workers are anxious about the implications of a lone worker monitoring system. Being constantly watched and also fears about privacy are particular concerns.
A lone worker monitoring system will be adopted as a measure to improve safety. Typically a business will decide to implement a lone worker monitoring system on the advice of a Health & Safety Professional.
Choosing the most appropriate lone worker monitoring system will depend on many factors… including how data is used and shared.
Trackplot takes data protection seriously, using Two Factor Authentication (2FA) for security and will only use personal information to deliver the 24/7 lone worker monitoring solution.
Data protection
3. This new system will create more work for me
This is a worry that is frequently raised when a new system is implemented – whether it is a new payroll system, ERP, database or a lone worker monitoring solution.
The development of a Lone Working Policy and Procedures which detail who is responsible for what, when and how to use the new system will greatly enhance the transition across to the new system. The availability of training and customer support is also crucial.
We provide guidance to help you develop your Lone Working Policy and Procedures. Comprehensive training and support is delivered to lone workers and managers to ensure they understand the purpose of the system and how to use the system effectively.
Lone Working Policy and Procedures
Training for all users
Customer support
4. It will be too expensive
Cost is an important criteria in any major purchasing decision. Initial set up and ongoing costs both need to be considered.
Remember a lone worker monitoring system will help with compliance and most importantly will bring peace of mind, ensuring your lone workers come home safe and well each day.
Read our guide which explains how costs for lone worker protection depends on the technology and functionality you need and the number of lone workers you have.