Celebrating a decade of keeping lone workers safe

This month we are marking a significant milestone, a decade spent protecting lone workers.

May 27, 2019

Since 2009, Trackplot Ltd has been addressing the increasing demand to protect lone workers and this continues to be a real concern as highlighted at FISA’s Safety Summit in March 2019. Currently, rates of fatal and major injuries in commercial forestry are the highest of the industries that the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) regulates, illustrating there is a real need for our system.
Gert Riemersma, CEO and Technical Director, developed the first iteration of the Trackplot Portal in 2008 as a project for a blue chip client. Educated as a land surveyor and with 15 years experience working in the oil & gas industry, Gert knew his product could help lone workers. In 2010, just two years after Trackplot launched, the Royal Highland Show awarded us the Silver Medal for our innovative Trackplot Portal.

Helping businesses

Over the past 10 years, we have helped companies implement our solution and establish robust lone worker procedures to give both employers and staff peace of mind. We are the market leader in keeping remote lone workers safe, particularly those that work outdoors in industries including forestry, estate and land management. You can read more about our past work here.

Emma Thomas, Director, said “We have a fantastic dedicated team who strive to deliver truly outstanding customer service every day. We are proud of this because lives depend on it. We are looking forward to working with more safety-conscious clients over the next ten years, to challenge us and continue to evolve our product and service.”

“Keeping people safe is at the heart of our business. We have worked with many different companies and lone workers over the ten years and we have brought enthusiasm and experience to every project. Trackplot is fully committed to keeping lone workers safe and as a result of customer feedback we make continual improvements to our system to ensure it is fit for purpose. Recently we included an “Out of office” option to take into account holiday and leave absences, giving each lone worker the ability to redirect notifications to an agreed contact to ensure the escalation process remains robust despite absences.”

Gert Riemersma

CEO, Trackplot

“Understanding our customers and their challenges drives us forward. We are currently working towards gaining BS8484 standards to demonstrate our pledge to quality and our rigorous approach to health and safety.”

Emma Thomas

Commercial Director, Trackplot

You'd like to speak with us?

Trackplot's team are here to help – to discuss your lone working requirements or to give advice and customer support.

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