
Trackplot Mobile network based options

Trackplot Mobile is a simple and convenient way for lone workers to keep in touch using their mobile phone. This option is available for both smartphone and basic mobile phone users. If your lone workers have access to strong, reliable mobile phone reception in the locations where they work then they can use Trackplot Mobile.

Photograph of Trackplot Mobile App being used on a smartphone by a lone worker.

Trackplot Mobile users have the same full Trackplot Portal experience as Trackplot World users plus the choice to create bespoke functionality.

If your lone workers do NOT have reliable mobile phone coverage you need Trackplot World.

Trackplot Mobile enables your lone workers to easily keep in touch whilst they work.

Illustration of how Trackplot Mobile works

For smartphone users – Trackplot Mobile App

The Trackplot Mobile App is available for both iPhone and Android devices.

Packed with high-tech features, the Trackplot Mobile App quickly transforms your smartphone into an effective lone worker safety device.

For basic mobile phone users

Trackplot Mobile can be used on a basic mobile phone using SMS messaging. A range of short SMS commands allow the lone worker to communicate with the Trackplot Portal without the Trackplot Mobile App.

Trackplot Mobile features

Trackplot Mobile feature icons - Proof of Life, Check-in, Check-out, Notifications, Assist and Bespoke functions.

Key benefits of Trackplot Mobile

  • Convenience

    Quick and easy communication from a single device.

  • Low cost

    No investment in hardware needed.

  • Simple to use

    Clear Trackplot Mobile App interface and short keywords for SMS texting.

  • Upgrade any time

    Boost to Trackplot World at any time if you experience unreliable mobile phone coverage.

  • Automatic alerts

    Issued to Notification Contacts to highlight there may be a problem for example if a lone worker fails to Check-in or requests Assistance.

  • Accurate location monitoring

    Each message sent by the lone worker is received with an accurate GPS position / postcode to aid any emergency response.

  • Bespoke functionality

    Choose to switch on functionality tailored to your business, for example Drive or 1 Hour High Risk Activity.

Tell me more about the Trackplot Portal

The Trackplot Portal is the monitoring platform, accessible 24/7, where you monitor the location, activity and safety of your workforce.

Easily accessible, Trackplot Mobile can be used wherever you have mobile phone coverage.

You'd like to speak with us?

Trackplot's team are here to help – to discuss your lone working requirements or to give advice and customer support.

Get in touch