EGGER Forestry

With a 25-year track record in the harvesting and marketing of forest products, EGGER Forestry is fully committed to health and safety and as a founder member of the Forest Industry Safety Accord (FISA) the company strives for continuous improvement to make the forest a safer place.
EGGER Forestry continue to progress by using state-of-the-art technologies and adopting innovative forest practices, providing the company and their clients with value for money.
The business critical issue
EGGER Forestry have had a system to manage staff who undertake lone working for a number of years now but as a progressive company they must ensure that all procedures continue to be best suited to their service requirement.
“Having used the SPOT GPS devices for a number of years within our current system, we felt that the additional support offered through the centralised Trackplot portal would provide us the robust lone working solution that we required.”
How Trackplot helped
With an expansion in employee numbers, EGGER Forestry undertook a thorough review of their lone working system and as a result decided that the Trackplot system was the most suitable fit to their requirements.
Staff members can gain access to review their own movements whilst the portal administrators can obtain an overview of the whole team. This system now fits into EGGER’s revised lone working procedure which contains detail of the various stages of lone working management.
Outcomes for EGGER Forestry
As well as maintaining the core of our lone working system, Trackplot will offer us the opportunity to utilise the GPS information to support our operational delivery in both forest management and timber harvesting.