Outdoor lone worker monitoring solutions
Providing peace of mind
At Trackplot we make lone worker safety simple for you. We specialise in outdoor lone worker protection. Our proven technology is robust and reliable and the monitoring process has been carefully thought through based on years of experience.
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How Trackplot works
Complete real-time monitoring system
Satellite network and mobile network based options. Accessible 24/7/365, the Trackplot Portal online platform uses Ordnance Survey mapping, weather and environmental data and provides automatic alerts.
Trackplot World
Satellite based for remote lone workers
Trackplot World covers the whole of the UK and offers 1-way or 2-way satellite communication options. It does not need mobile phone reception to work.
Trackplot Mobile
Simple and convenient to use
Trackplot Mobile is available for both smartphone and basic mobile phone users. Allows quick and easy communication particularly for those working indoors including home workers. It works across the UK where there is reliable mobile phone reception.
Environmental Mapping and Met Office Weather Warnings Services
UK-wide data to assess current and forthcoming weather conditions and hazards. Use the information to plan work, revise schedules which may put lives or property at risk, inform rescue missions.
Lone Working Policy and Procedures
Developing your Lone Working Policy and Procedures
Trackplot provides guidance to develop your Lone Working Policy, Procedures and Escalation Procedures, which inform your Trackplot Portal set up, training and reinforce your safety culture.
Training and Support
Outstanding service
Onboarding, training, responsive customer and technical support, and account management are central to what makes Trackplot unique.