Stay in touch whilst working in the outdoors
Recreation and media represents a diverse sector and employs nearly 580,000 workers in the UK. Fatalities are rare but serious injuries do occur. Risks include working on steep or rough terrain, working with moving vehicles and machinery, manual handling of equipment and working at height.

This sector spans the management of parks, nature reserves and historic sites to adventurous activities and outdoor sports. Specific lone worker activities range from the maintenance and preservation of our beautiful and historic landscapes and buildings, film and TV location management to crowd and traffic management at sporting and music events. Many SMEs operate in this sector.
Trackplot's proven and reliable system protects outdoor lone workers.
Fatalities are uncommon but serious injuries do occur, particularly in large event management, mainly as a result of crushing, stage / barrier collapse, falls from height and workplace transport. For remote outdoor lone workers hazards include working on steep or rough terrain, with the potential for slips, trips and falls; working with moving vehicles and machinery; cuts and lacerations due to manual handling of equipment; working at height.
How Trackplot can help
Working alone in the natural environment, these remotely located lone workers are best suited to our Trackplot World option. Using the satellite network, it can be used in all remote areas across the UK.