Trusted to protect your outdoor lone workers
Diverse range of sectors depend on Trackplot
Many lone workers operate outside in outlying and challenging regions with limited or no mobile phone reception. Exposed to environmental threats, difficult terrain, harsh weather conditions or performing high risk tasks, if an incident occurs the situation is inherently more dangerous due to their environment. This creates a potentially tricky situation and as their employer you need to consider how your outdoor lone workers can tell you they are safe or raise the alarm in an emergency.
Trusted by professionals, the lone workers we protect include bridge inspectors, pest control specialists, gamekeepers, environmental engineers, TV location managers, timber harvesters and hauliers to hydropower planners.
Want to know more?
Land management
Forestry, estates, agriculture, fisheries
Trackplot help improve safety across all land-based sectors.
Local authorities
Keeping specialist lone workers safe
We work with councils across many departments from pest control and countryside teams to bridge and asset inspection and land engineering.
Utilities, renewables, mining, water and waste
Minimise hazards and risks in the energy and resource sectors.
Environmental, conservation and research
Reduce risks for environmental, science and conservation lone workers.
Health & Safety
Working with you to protect lone workers
Working to support H&S professionals, trainers, consultants and their customers to keep lone workers safe.
Keep lone workers safe through planning, build and maintenance work
For operators in infrastructure, construction, surveyors, drone services.
Transportation and storage
Improve safety in haulage and logistics, repair and maintenance.
Preservation, maintenance, location and event management
A diverse sector covering nature reserves, heritage, outdoor pursuits and leisure, film and media.