
Who we are

Our management team boasts a wide portfolio of experience spanning GPS technology, mapping, software development, sales and marketing. This expertise enabled the development of the Trackplot system and the growth of the company. We listen to customers and apply our knowledge for the continual enhancement and advancement of our solution.

Photograph of Gert Riemersma, Technical Director of Trackplot Ltd

Gert Riemersma

Technical Director

Trackplot’s founder, Gert worked remotely offshore in the oil and gas sector for many years and it is from this experience that he understands the risks of working in hostile environments. An expert in satellite and GPS technology, mapping, software development and business processes, Gert’s remit is to continue to develop and improve the technical performance of the Trackplot solution.

Photograph of Emma Thomas, Director of Trackplot Ltd.

Emma Thomas

Commercial Director

An experienced marketing and sales specialist, Emma drives the commercial and strategic direction of the business. Emma’s remit is to develop the team and build the business with a focus on sales, marketing, customer service and talent management.

Utilising over 30 years of marketing experience, Emma is a Chartered Marketer and Member of The Chartered Institute of Marketing since 1991.

You'd like to speak with us?

Trackplot's team are here to help – to discuss your lone working requirements or to give advice and customer support.

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