HSE releases annual agriculture, forestry and fishing fatalities report 2020/21

HSE has published a report detailing that agriculture and related industries have the highest number of workplace fatalities in Great Britain.

September 30, 2021

Provisional figures, from 1 April 2020 until 31 March 2021, show 41 people were killed in agriculture related activities, almost double the final number of deaths in the previous year, which was 23.

Download the full Health & Safety Executive report here.

Farming is a hazardous occupation. The industry represents approximately 1.8% of the workforce in Great Britain but accounts for about 19% of the reported fatal injuries each year. The four most common types of accident on farms involve vehicles and machinery, falls from heights, lifting and handling and hazardous substances.

Health & Safety Executive

Agriculture has the worst rate of worker fatal injury (per 100,000) of all the main industry sectors, with the annual average rate over the last five years around 20 times as high as the all-industry rate.

  • More than half of the workers killed were aged 60 years or older
  • Overturning vehicles or being struck by moving vehicles, caused most deaths.

We’ve gathered together some key health & safety resources relevant to those within the agricultural, forestry and fishing sector.

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