FCA News highlights de-risking lone working
The May issue of FCA News focuses on safety for forestry contractors, discussing the susceptibility of lone workers and how to mitigate against the inherent risks of working alone.
Forestry remains the most dangerous sector in the UK, with the highest fatal injury rate of 9.21 per 100,000. This statistic seems to be higher for contractors who regularly work alone, AND in remote areas AND undertaking dangerous work. The article references the recent updates to lone worker guidance from both HSE (Health and Safety Executive) and FISA (Forestry Industry Safety Accord) confirming the current focus on lone worker safety.
The main focus of the article describes our first SOS alarm which was raised in October 2019. SOS is a vital function of our lone worker monitoring solution and can be activated in life-threatening medical emergencies. The editorial details the full event, highlighting the impressive response time from when the alert was triggered to emergency assistance arriving on-site.
The review includes an overview of the Trackplot system, detailing the functions of the Trackplot Portal, how it is integrated with GPS devices and a Mobile App to keep lone workers safe.